Monday, November 15, 2010

Slavery Today

Slaves today come from many places, they come from high schools to sweatshops to people with low wages and long work ours.
At high school we are slaves to homework and huge responsibilities and that come along with going to school. Things such as waking up real early and completing dumb worksheets about moles and matrices. Also sitting down for hours is hard on the back. Along with the hefty backpacks! Sweatshops are slavery, money is just a way to try and humanize the terrible conditions, pay and long work hours. They build things people constantly buy, our shoes for example, don't you think if you make our nice shoes you should get a decent pay too? I see mothers slaving over housework, i see people slaving over life, overworking it too much. So the question is,
what is slavery? Slavery is being controlled by something or someone so much that it causes mental and possibly physical harm and excess amounts of displeasure and unfairness.