Saturday, October 16, 2010

Us vs. Them

WE are similar to the puritans in many ways. In others different. We are still ignorant to so many things going on around us, we are full of extremists and people who take things too far. How are we different? As a people we come from everywhere and their is so much uniqueness in our society that its hard to generalize. They might have passed on some of their unlikable qualities but we still retain our differences. Although we portray the puritans to be extreme and unlikeable people we do share something important and good with them. Freedom. The reason they came to America. For religious freedom and to get away from the oppression of their people in Europe. We came here for freedom too. So in that way we can relate and say Us and Them not Us vs. Them.


miles said...

I never thought of it like that, but there are still a lot of people in America who are just as intolerant, or maybe even more. America, from the very beginning, has been a symbol of freedom and hope, whether they're Puritans or Mexican immigrants.